
Fresh Organic food


From the garden to your plate is the healthiest form of nutrition and at Sky Pilates and Yoga we love finding locations that grow their own fruits and vegetables. When searching the globe for our retreats we love going off the beaten path and finding the perfect location for our physical practice and mental practice. The right nutrition plan plays a very important aspect in this global mission. We strongly believe when we eat right, we feel right and thus enhancing our cognizance of a healthy lifestyle.


At our Sky retreats we provide a perfectly well balanced brunch and dinner, and can provide you with nutritional guidance for any other offsite meals. We work with local farmers and products only in order to bring you the freshest and tastiest meals possible. From our home made marmalades, to our locally harvested honeys,  and our daily fresh baked healthy breads, we spare no expense to make sure you're well nourished all week long. Additionally we team up with brilliant chefs such as Chef Brian Bailey from Argentina and Chef Antonio Palomo from Gran Canaria to devise a well balanced nutrition plan for our weeklong retreats. Let us cook for you!
